Today I want to challenge your thinking on the topic of “holy living” and what this means for us. Let us look at our Bibles together to learn what God expects from His children. What we will find is God does expect us to live holy lives, and the Bible supports this:
١ بطرس ١: ١٤-١٦
14 كأولاد طائعين لا تصنعون أنفسكم حسب الشهوات السابقة في جهلكم.
15 ولكن كما قدوس الذي دعاكم ، كونوا قديسين في كل حديث.
16 لانه مكتوب كونوا قديسين. لاني مقدس.
To be holy is to be set apart for sacred use and separate from evil. That is God’s plan and purpose for His children.”
القداسة في حضور الكنيسة
Attending church regularly with others that love God is a special time. We should protect and value our time for worship together by making it a priority in our lives. Worshiping together is a time to get our values straight; it’s a time to show God that He is the priority in our life, and it is a time to set an example for all those around us. Worship with God’s people is also an opportunity to learn and grow by receiving spiritual nourishment from the preaching and testimonies of others. We gather strength and encouragement from each other, which is an essential piece of living holy. If we forsake our church attendance, which is where we learn from God’s word together, we will not survive spiritually.
كان الحضور المنتظم للكنيسة عادة المسيح. لذلك ، يجب أن تكون لنا أيضًا. لذلك ، فإننا إما نشكل عادة المسيح المتمثلة في الحضور المنتظم للكنيسة أو نشكل عادة الغياب.
لوقا 4: 16- 17
16 فجاء الى الناصرة حيث نشأ. وكعادته دخل المجمع يوم السبت ووقف ليقرأ.
17 وسلم اليه سفر اشعياء النبي. وعندما فتح الكتاب ، وجد المكان الذي كتب فيه ، "
The following verse in Hebrews is why we come to church.
Heb. 10:24-25
4 فلنتأمل بعضنا بعضا لاغاظة المحبة والاعمال الصالحة.
25 لا نترك اجتماعنا معا كعادة البعض. ولكن يعظون بعضكم بعضا ، وأكثر من ذلك بكثير ، كما ترون أن اليوم يقترب ".
When we are in school, attendance plays an important part in our grades. If we are not there, we can not benefit from the instruction and learn from the subject matter. If we have a job and do not show up, we will not get paid a day’s labor. Our church attendance is just as important as these other responsibilities. Let me ask you a question. Is God pleased with your attendance?
قبل أن نكمل ، دعونا نلقي نظرة على رسالة تسالونيكي الأولى ، الفصل 4 ، الآية 7:
١ تسالونيكي ٤: ٧
7 لان الله لم يدعنا للنجاسة بل الى القداسة.
God is clear, in His word, that he has called us to live holy. Keep this scripture in mind as we continue our study.
القداسة في كل ما نقرأه
The Bible teaches us that we should avoid anything tainted with evil. Is holiness found in the book, article, or blog we read? There are many novels/articles we should not read and blogs we should not follow. Some books are written about unholy subjects and justify wicked living. Are the books and magazines we choose to read leading us to pure and holy meditation, or do they cause us to think about impure and unholy things? Sometimes, you can see by looking at the book’s cover that someone who loves Jesus should probably not read it. Be aware any literature with pornography is unholy, and as children of God, we should never read these things. When in doubt, we can ask ourselves, “Would Jesus read “this?” and then choose to do the same as we answer.
1 تسالونيكي 5:22
22 امتنعوا عن كل منظر شر.
تخلص من كل ما هو ملوث بالشر. تذكر أن الله لم يدعنا إلى النجاسة بل إلى القداسة.
القداسة في كل ما نشاهده
ماذا عن الأشياء التي ننظر إليها أو ما نشاهده؟
مزامير ١٠١: ٣-٤
3 لا اضع امر شرير امام عينيّ. عمل الضالين ابغض. لا تلصق بي.
4 قلب متقلب يبتعد عني. لا اعرف الشرير.
Remember, God calls us to holiness. When we are careful about what we look at or watch, we will keep our minds and thoughts pure. If we watch or look at unholy things, our thoughts will also become unholy. If we hide what we are watching or looking at, we need to be honest with ourselves and ask, “why am I hiding this?” If we feel we need to hide what we are looking at, we should get rid of it immediately. God’s children obey His commands when they are alone and with others.
فيلبي 2: 12-13
12 لذلك ، يا حبيبي ، كما كنتم دائمًا تطيعون ، ليس كما في حضوري فقط ، ولكن الآن أكثر من ذلك بكثير في غيابي ، اعملوا على خلاصكم بخوف ورعدة.
13 لان الله هو الذي يعمل فيكم لارضاء ولحسن حظه.
القداسة في كل ما نسمعه
What about the music we enjoy? Is it holy or unholy? Much of today’s music has sinful and ungodly messages. For example, here in the United States, rap music is extremely popular with our young people. I recall a time when I was next to a car at an intersection that had very loud music coming from it. The lyrics were unholy, littered with curse words and messages that suggested hurting others. No matter the musical genre, God’s children should not listen to music that contains suggestive and explicit lyrics promoting violence, promiscuous living, or any unholiness. If we fill our minds with unholy messages, we will also become unholy. What about conversations we participate in with those around us? Are we quick to listen to stories about people that are none of our business and possibly untrue? Someone who listens to gossip about others is just as guilty as the one that carried the story. We should walk away from conversations that are unholy. Whether it’s gossip about someone else, dirty jokes, or music with unclean lyrics, God’s children are careful about what they hear because He has called us to holiness; what we listen to matters to God.
أمثال ١٩:٢٧
27 كف يا ابني عن سماع الوصية التي تسبب الضلال من كلام المعرفة.
نحفظ أجسادنا مقدسة
If you are young and unmarried, God indeed put powerful desires in us for physical love and companionship. The desire to have love and companionship is not wicked but pursuing these desires outside the holy bonds of marriage is. Our job is to hold back the passion for physical love until marriage. Your bodies are to be kept for the day you are married and then given as a gift to that special one you chose to commit to for life. We should also be modest in our actions and how we dress. Do you remember the study of Joseph and what he did when Potiphar’s wife tempted him? Joseph ran for his life! We need to do the same when temptation presents itself. Joseph is a perfect example of what to do when tempted by sexual pressures before marriage. “Run from it! A young man and a young woman should not be alone together, or the risk of temptation taking over is possible. We should not become so familiar with each other that a fire of passion starts and one loses control. Remember that your boyfriend or girlfriend is not your spouse. The Bible teaches us that sex before marriage is against God’s plan for us.
2 تيم. 2:22
22 اهربوا ايضا من شهوات الشباب واتبعوا البر والايمان والمحبة والسلام مع الذين يدعون الرب بقلب نقي.
1 كو. 6:18 - 20
18 اهربوا من الزنا. كل خطية يفعلها الانسان هي بدون جسد. واما من يزني فهو يخطئ الى جسده.
19 ماذا؟ ألستم تعلمون أن جسدك هو هيكل الروح القدس الذي فيك والذي عندك من الله ولست أنت.
20 لانكم اشتريتم بثمن فمجّدوا الله في جسدكم وفي روحكم الذين لله.
القداسة في الطريقة التي نقدم بها أنفسنا
Let’s visit the thought of being modest in the way we dress a little further. God calls His children to live holy, which means how we dress and present ourselves to others should also be holy. So, God expects His children to be modest in their dress and presentation to others. Our clothes should be modest and appropriately fitting, not too tight, revealing, or showy. Our lives should be about showing God, not showing off our bodies or our wealth. We should look at ourselves through God’s eyes and ask if He approves of our presentation of ourselves. Are we presenting ourselves modestly so God can be seen, or are we showing off something of ourselves? We should not deliberately present ourselves in a way that shows we have more than others. God’s people are modest in spirit as well as dress. The principle of modest dress and presentation is just as applicable to men as it is to women.
1 تيم. 2: 9
9 هكذا ايضا ان تتزين النساء في لباس متواضع بالخجل والرصانة. ليس بالشعر المضفر ، أو الذهب ، أو اللآلئ ، أو الصفيف المكلفة ؛ "
القداسة في عاداتنا
What about holiness in our habits? Here in the United States, we have a problem with marijuana and other substance addictions. I talked with many people in their thirties or older that say they started smoking marijuana, drinking alcohol, or smoking cigarettes when they were very young. Now they are addicted and want to quit, but the addiction makes it difficult for them. If one is addicted to a substance that abuses their body, they must get busy before God and gain victory over the addiction. God is not weak. God can break the power of addiction in individuals, I have seen it happen, but it is not easy for a person with the addiction to come to God. It does not make any sense to continue to abuse our bodies with drugs or other substances. Jesus bought us with the price of His blood, and our bodies are the temple of God.
يرجى الاطلاع على الكتب المقدسة أدناه كعينة مما يعلّمنا إياه الكتاب المقدس عن القداسة في عاداتنا.
١ كورنثوس ٦: ١٩-٢٠
"9 ماذا؟ ألستم تعلمون أن جسدك هو هيكل الروح القدس الذي فيك والذي عندك من الله ولست أنت.
20 لانكم قد اشتريتم بثمن فمجّدوا الله في جسدكم وفي روحكم التي هي لله.
أفسس 5:18
18 ولا تسكروا مع الخمر الذي فائض فيه. ولكن امتلأوا من الروح.
Proverbs 31:4-7
4 ليس للملوك يا ليمويل. ليس للملوك ليشربوا خمرا. ولا مشروب الأمراء المسكر:
5 لئلا يشربوا و ينسوا الشريعة و يفسدوا حق كل بائس.
6 اسقوا للمسكر للهلاك وخمر لذوي القلوب المثقلة.
7 ليشرب وينسى فقره ولا يذكر بؤسه فيما بعد.
Proverbs 23:29-30
29 من له ويل. من لديه الحزن؟ من له مزاعم؟ من يثرثر؟ من له جروح بلا سبب؟ من لديه احمرار في العين؟
30 الذين يتوانون عن الخمر. الذين يذهبون ليطلبوا الخمر المختلط ".
لوقا 21:34
“34 And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.”
رومية ١٣:١٣
“13 Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.”
Galations 5:19-20
19 واعمال الجسد ظاهرة التي هي. الزنا ، الفسق ، النجاسة ، الفسق ،
20 عبادة الاصنام ، والسحر ، والبغضاء ، والخلاف ، والقتال ، والغضب ، والخصام ، والفتن ، والبدع ، "
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
9 ام لستم تعلمون ان الظالمين لا يرثون ملكوت الله. لا تضلوا: لا زناة ولا عبدة أوثان ولا فاسقون ولا مخنثون ولا مذنبون على ذواتهم مع الناس ،
10 ولا السارقون ولا الطمعون ولا السكارى ولا الشتائمون ولا الخاطفون يرثون ملكوت الله.
تيطس 2: 3
"3 وكذلك النساء المسنات ، حتى يصيرن في السلوك كما يصير القداسة ، لا المشتكين الكذبة ، غير معطى لكثير من الخمر ، معلمات الخيرات."
القداسة في صداقاتنا
Jesus was a friend of sinners, and we should be too; however, Jesus never let those friendships pull Him into their wickedness. If we can’t be the influencer instead of the influenced in our friendships, we need to end the relationship. Again, God’s call for us is to holiness and not uncleanness.
1 تسالونيكي. 4: 7
7 لان الله لم يدعنا للنجاسة بل الى القداسة.
القداسة في بيوتنا
Like many young people, I also grew up with siblings. Every once in a while, my brothers or sister would get on my nerves. So, I understand and know what it’s like to have bothersome siblings. Our siblings can test our patience. So, if someone were to ask your family what you are like at home, what would they say about you? “He gets mad and hits me all the time,” or “She yells at me and calls me names?” Sometimes people are one way in front of others, and they are different at home, but this should not be the case with God’s children. We should be holy with those we live with and are closest to us and those that we see from time to time.
Psalms 101:2
"2 سوف أتصرف بحكمة بطريقة كاملة. O عندما الذبول أنت تأتي لي؟ سوف أسير داخل منزلي بقلب كامل ".
Always live by the “golden rule.” Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Holy living is not compatible in a home filled with temper tantrums, anger, arguments, hurtful, disrespectful, or nagging words.
أخيرًا ، أود أن أشارككم ما نقوم به هنا في كاليفورنيا لمساعدتنا على تعلم كلمة الله. مع كل درس ، نخصص آية أو نصًا من الذاكرة لحفظها. تساعدنا آية الذاكرة في الاحتفاظ بالمعلومات التي سمعناها من الدرس ولكن الأهم من ذلك أنها تساعدنا على تذكر المبدأ الذي سيبقى معنا. خلال هذا الدرس ، ذكرنا الآية من قبل بطرق مختلفة. احفظ هذه الآية واسمح لله أن يكتبها على قلبك. لم يمض وقت طويل ، لكنه قوي لأنه يذكرنا بمن ننتمي وما يتوقعه الله ممن يسمون أنفسهم أبناءه.
1 تسالونيكي. 4: 7
7 لان الله لم يدعنا للنجاسة بل الى القداسة.