দৈত্যদের জয় করা

Did you know there are giants out there!  But I am not talking about large people, nine or ten feet tall, that tower over us significantly.  I am speaking of giants we find in everyday life.  By giants, I mean what seems to be insurmountable problems, circumstances, pressures, and issues that we face at different … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

যীশুর কাছে ভিড় কাটিয়ে ওঠা

Have you ever been in a place where you were a part of a large crowd?  Depending on why people are gathering, sometimes crowds can become very unruly.  Did you know that trying to move from one place to the other in a crowd of people can be a challenging experience?  Sometimes, it is almost … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

আমরা লড়াইয়ের জন্য আছি (পর্ব 2)

Last week we discussed that we are in a spiritual fight against the devil. We also discussed that we need to stand up in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit working within us fight the enemy.  Our enemy is the devil, and he is not backing down; the devil … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

আমরা লড়াইয়ের জন্য আছি (পর্ব 1)

I am not a fighter.  In fact, I am normally a calm cool and collected kind of person and not the type to get easily rattled.  In grade school, junior high, and high school, I worked hard to help people get along with each other, and still today, I am not the kind of person … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন


Have you ever seen the result of a fire that burned out of control?  Where the fire left devastating damage, destruction, and ruin?  We have fires here in California, and just 100 miles north of where we live, a fire burned a whole town where over 10, 000 homes were lost.  Fires can be very … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

জানুন, বাড়ুন, যান, দেখান - পাঠ 4

SHOW GOD TO THE WORLD Are you a disciple of Christ?  Jesus calls us to be His disciples.  A disciple is a student, but not as in continually learning.  A disciple is someone that imitates their teacher.  Another way to think of the word disciple is as someone that uses and applies what they’ve learned. … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

আমাদের অভ্যাসের ভাল এবং মন্দ অংশ 3

The Result of Bad Habits  “The best way to prevent addiction is to never begin.” Today let’s start by reviewing the lesson from last week.  First, we learned peer pressure is one of the top contributing factors for young people deciding to use drugs.  Next, we learned how important it is to be careful about … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

আমাদের অভ্যাসের ভাল এবং খারাপ অংশ 2

“Show me who your friends are and I will show you your future.” God saved me as a young person, and I thank God from my youth to today; God has given and still gives victory.  God wants to give victory to each of His children.  In the first part of this lesson, we talked … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

আমাদের অভ্যাসের ভাল এবং খারাপ

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character, watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” This morning we want to declare that God is still on His throne and bringing victory to His people in … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

পালানো প্রলোভন

জোসেফ প্রলোভন পালানো

Tempt means to entice one to commit an unwise or immoral act.  Something that tempts or entices causes one to be in a state of temptation. Today we will look at three examples from the Bible that teach us important lessons about temptation and how we can be victorious over the temptations in our own … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

