আমরা লড়াইয়ের জন্য আছি (পর্ব 2)

Last week we discussed that we are in a spiritual fight against the devil. We also discussed that we need to stand up in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit working within us fight the enemy.  Our enemy is the devil, and he is not backing down; the devil … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

পাপ এবং আসক্তি থেকে পুনরুদ্ধার - পদক্ষেপ 10 - দায়িত্ব গ্রহণ করা

ভেড়ার সাথে রাখাল

10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admit it. We are going to have our good days, and discouraging days. And at times, again and again, we are going to need someone else to help us. To listen to us. To help keep us on the “straight and narrow way … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

আমরা লড়াইয়ের জন্য আছি (পর্ব 1)

I am not a fighter.  In fact, I am normally a calm cool and collected kind of person and not the type to get easily rattled.  In grade school, junior high, and high school, I worked hard to help people get along with each other, and still today, I am not the kind of person … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

আমাদের মায়েদের সম্মান করা

Mothers’ Day is a special day that we set aside to celebrate our mothers.  Because Mothers’ Day  is soon approaching, I would like to share what the Bible says about the commandment of honoring our parents.  Thank God, many of us are blessed with good mothers who are very busy and they carry an awesome … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

পাপ এবং আসক্তি থেকে পুনরুদ্ধার - পদক্ষেপ 9 - ক্ষমা এবং পুনর্বাসন

আলিঙ্গন এবং ক্ষমা

9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. “Again when I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; if he turn from his sin, and do that which is lawful and right; If the wicked restore the pledge, give again that he had … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

পাপ এবং আসক্তি থেকে পুনরুদ্ধার - 8 ধাপ - জবাবদিহিতা

একটি চিহ্নের জন্য দু sorryখিত শব্দ

8. Made a list of persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all. Use this worksheet to make a list of: who I hurt, and how I hurt them. This Step is part of proving the change that has taken place: to ourselves, and to others. We must take responsibility … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন


“Being thankful turns what we have into enough.” We serve a mighty God; He keeps us saved and we are thankful to Him for this.  Today we will look at what the Bible says about being thankful and how important it is for us as God’s children.  Did you know that God wants us to … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

যিশুর দিকে আপনার চোখ রাখুন

In our last lesson, we learned that our tongue could be very destructive if we do not learn to control it.  Thank God, He can give us the power to tame our tongues!  This lesson will talk about another part of our body that is equally as important as our tongue. The Eyes Matthew 6:22-23 … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

পাপ এবং আসক্তি থেকে পুনরুদ্ধার - পদক্ষেপ 7 - নম্রতা এবং প্রার্থনা

মুক্তির জন্য প্রার্থনা

7. Humbly asked Him to forgive us and remove our shortcomings So now we have completed Step 6, where we made a complete list of all the behaviors that we desire to have removed from our lives. And as we developed this list, we also worked hard to identify the new behaviors that we would … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন


Have you ever seen the result of a fire that burned out of control?  Where the fire left devastating damage, destruction, and ruin?  We have fires here in California, and just 100 miles north of where we live, a fire burned a whole town where over 10, 000 homes were lost.  Fires can be very … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

