A Missionary Looks at the Conquest of Babylon: Revelation Chapters 8 to 16 a Spiritual Interpretation

book cover of the Conquest of Babylon

This book is now available on Amazon (has both paperback and a Kindle book) and on Barnes and Noble and many others. On Google Play Books you can find it as either an eBook, or as an audiobook. There are also free versions of the same at the links below. Copyright: From these links below, … Leer más

Rightly Dividing the Word of God

Do you ever wonder about the meaning of certain scriptures in the Bible? We have to be careful that we don’t take a biblical scripture and use it in the wrong way. It is important to really dig into scripture and understand the context of scripture. Too many Christian people today will use and take … Leer más

A Missionary Looks at 12 Steps to Overcome Addiction and Sin: Healing Our Broken Relationships with Christ and with Others

book - a Missionary Looks at 12 steps

This book is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble and others. On Google Play Books you can find it as either an eBook, or as an audiobook. There are also free versions of the same at the links below. Copyright: From these links below, you may freely translate, print, copy, turn into audio, and redistribute the … Leer más

We Cannot Allow Sin Amongst the Ministry

correcting another

What is more important to you? Maintaining your ministry friends within your church organization Or maintaining sin-free integrity within the ministry If your first love is your friendships and church organization, you will cover up sin in the ministry and allow them to continue to minister. And you will be lost in hell with them! … Leer más

Scattered in Church, But Unified in the Home


We have an enormous problem around what is called the church. I’m talking about a fundamental aspect of our relationship with God and ministerial responsibility. A problem that Jesus fixed when he first came some 2,000 years ago. But for many years now, we have broken it once more within church organizations. Let’s step back … Leer más

El matrimonio es un llamamiento en el Señor

novia y novio en el océano

La salud de las buenas relaciones matrimoniales funcionales tiene un gran impacto en la salud espiritual tanto de la familia como, en última instancia, de la iglesia. Si estamos casados o estamos pensando en casarnos, el matrimonio debe ser parte de nuestro llamado en el Señor. Dado que la mayoría de las personas (en el fondo de su corazón) no saben lo que es... Leer más

Superando Denominaciones y Grupos Divisorios – En los Días de Jesús en la Tierra

judíos discutiendo

En los días de Jesús en la Tierra y la iglesia primitiva, el judaísmo estaba dividido en varios grupos diferentes, cada uno de los cuales tenía sus propios puntos de vista sobre la verdadera forma de vida judía. Por otro lado, ciertas creencias judías básicas eran comunes a todos ellos. Existían entonces: saduceos, fariseos, esenios y zelotes. … Leer más

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