A Reason Not to Complain

In today’s world, people love to complain.  Young people like to complain.  Sometimes they complain about the food their parents give them or their homework; young people want to complain about almost anything. So I would like to talk about the Israelite people and what happened when they complained. Philippians 2:14 “14 Do all things without … Leer más

Faith! (Part 2)

mirando al cielo

“He who loses money loses much.  He who loses a friend loses much more, but he who loses faith loses all.” Last week we based our lesson on the following scripture. Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” We broke the scripture down to the following statement.  “Faith is a conviction or … Leer más


What is Faith?  Sometimes when religious people meet each other, they ask,” What faith do you belong to?”  When they are really asking what church are you part of or what religion do you follow?  Today I want to say to you that there is only one faith.  And the one faith is the faith … Leer más

What Fruit is Growing in Your Life?

Last week we introduced to you Jesus’s parable of the sower.  Jesus said that the seed is the word of God, and in the parable, He talks about the sower sowing seed in four different types of soil. Luke 8:11 “Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.” God gives each of us the seed, and it is planted in … Leer más

A Man After God’s Heart

Saul was the first king of Israel, and when God chose him to be king, he was a humble and righteous man.  But there came a time when Saul didn’t put God first anymore, and unfortunately, sometimes people do this.  They start well in their walk with God, and something happens over time.  They forget … Leer más

Hambre y sed de Jesús

Esta mañana, comencemos nuestra lección hablando de algunas de las sensaciones externas que acompañan al hambre real y la sed genuina. El hambre es una sensación normal que te hace querer comer. El hipotálamo es la parte del cerebro que controla el hambre en nuestro cuerpo. Cuando tu cuerpo le dice a tu cerebro que tu estómago está... Leer más

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