ازدواج یک دعوت در خداوند است

bride and groom at ocean

The healthiness of good functional marriage relationships has a huge impact upon the spiritual health of both the family, and ultimately the church. If we are married, or thinking of getting married, marriage is intended to be part of our calling in the Lord. Since most people (deep in their heart) don’t know what a … ادامه

غلبه بر فرقه ها و گروه های تفرقه افکن - در روزهای عیسی بر روی زمین

بحث یهودیان

در روزگار عیسی بر روی زمین و کلیسای اولیه، یهودیت به چندین گروه مختلف تقسیم شده بود، که هر یک دیدگاه های خاص خود را در مورد شیوه زندگی واقعی یهودی داشتند. از سوی دیگر، برخی از اعتقادات اساسی یهودی در همه آنها مشترک بود. در آن زمان وجود داشت: صدوقیان، فریسیان، اسنی ها و غیورها. … ادامه

پرسش ها، موضوعات و پاسخ ها با آکادمی Miangeni (قسمت 5)

“Is it true that our bodies are wonderfully made?” Today, we live in a world that causes people to look at themselves and hate what they see.  Our internet, media, and advertisement companies with billboard signs always show us what they think people should look like.  The smooth skin, the perfect hair, the skinny model, … ادامه

پرسش ها، موضوعات و پاسخ ها با آکادمی Miangeni (قسمت 4)

“Does the Bible promise a promising career and success to a child who makes a good choice of Jesus in their lives?” Everyone can be successful in life, but first, you must have a plan to succeed.  And to succeed in God’s eyes, underneath your plan, you must also have an established Chrisitan foundation of … ادامه

تشکر کنید و شیطان را غلبه کنید!

Give Thanks to Conquer the Devil I give God thanks that Jesus introduced Himself to us one day.  Then we learned of the incredible miracle He can perform in a person’s life.  At first, maybe for some of us, we could not imagine ourselves any different than we were.  But as we continued to understand … ادامه

زندگی در این دنیا برای عیسی

Thank God, Jesus prayed for us before He died!  He said that His followers are “not of the world.” But he also said, “My prayer, Father, is not that You take them out of the world.” This idea of staying “in the world” but not being “of the world” must be pretty important to Jesus … ادامه

انتخاب بین حق و محبوبیت (تجمع جوانان دسامبر 2021)

Today, we will talk about a type of pressure many young people fall under today.  Throughout the remainder of this lesson, let’s refer to it as peer pressure.  Peer pressure is a social influence exerted by others on an individual.  This is when pressure is exerted to get someone to act or believe the same … ادامه

کتاب مقدس و رابطه جنسی قبل از ازدواج (تجمع جوانان دسامبر 2021)

We live in times where the world around us is trying to change the standards, and moral commands sent down by God years ago.  Young people, I tell you today that God is Holy and just.  God’s commands do not change.  Look around, and you see that people in this world consistently change their ideas … ادامه


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