
“Only God can move mountains, but faith and prayer can move God.” This quote from a song in one of our choir books here in California reminds us that there is great power in even a little faith when God is with us.  Let’s look at what Jesus said about faith. Mathew 17:20 “20 And Jesus … Lire la suite

Le bon et le mauvais de nos habitudes

« Surveillez vos pensées, elles deviennent vos mots ; surveillez vos paroles, elles deviennent vos actions ; surveillez vos actions, elles deviennent vos habitudes ; surveillez vos habitudes, elles deviennent votre personnage, surveillez votre personnage, cela devient votre destin. Ce matin, nous voulons déclarer que Dieu est toujours sur son trône et apporte la victoire à son peuple dans… Lire la suite


The Webster’s Dictionary defines Salvation as saving a person from sin or its consequences. Romans 5: 8-10 “8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. 10 For if, when … Lire la suite

Fuir la tentation

Joseph fuyant la tentation

Tempt means to entice one to commit an unwise or immoral act.  Something that tempts or entices causes one to be in a state of temptation. Today we will look at three examples from the Bible that teach us important lessons about temptation and how we can be victorious over the temptations in our own … Lire la suite
