A Missionary Looks at the Conquest of Babylon: Revelation Chapters 8 to 16 a Spiritual Interpretation

book cover of the Conquest of Babylon

This book is now available on Amazon (has both paperback and a Kindle book) and on Barnes and Noble and many others. On Google Play Books you can find it as either an eBook, or as an audiobook. There are also free versions of the same at the links below. Copyright: From these links below, … Цааш унших

A Missionary Looks at the Love Letter: Revelation Chapters 1 to 8 a Spiritual Interpretation

book - A Missionary Looks at the Love Letter

This book is now available on Amazon (has both paperback and a Kindle book) and on Barnes and Noble and many others. On Google Play Books you can find it as either an eBook, or as an audiobook. There are also free versions of the same at the links below. Copyright: From these links below, … Цааш унших

A Missionary Looks at 12 Steps to Overcome Addiction and Sin: Healing Our Broken Relationships with Christ and with Others

book - a Missionary Looks at 12 steps

This book is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble and others. On Google Play Books you can find it as either an eBook, or as an audiobook. There are also free versions of the same at the links below. Copyright: From these links below, you may freely translate, print, copy, turn into audio, and redistribute the … Цааш унших

We Cannot Allow Sin Amongst the Ministry

correcting another

What is more important to you? Maintaining your ministry friends within your church organization Or maintaining sin-free integrity within the ministry If your first love is your friendships and church organization, you will cover up sin in the ministry and allow them to continue to minister. And you will be lost in hell with them! … Цааш унших

Scattered in Church, But Unified in the Home


We have an enormous problem around what is called the church. I’m talking about a fundamental aspect of our relationship with God and ministerial responsibility. A problem that Jesus fixed when he first came some 2,000 years ago. But for many years now, we have broken it once more within church organizations. Let’s step back … Цааш унших

Гэрлэлт бол Эзэний дуудлага юм

bride and groom at ocean

The healthiness of good functional marriage relationships has a huge impact upon the spiritual health of both the family, and ultimately the church. If we are married, or thinking of getting married, marriage is intended to be part of our calling in the Lord. Since most people (deep in their heart) don’t know what a … Цааш унших

Сүсэглэл ба хуваагдсан бүлгүүдийг даван туулах нь - Дэлхий дээрх Есүсийн өдрүүдэд

еврейчүүд маргаж байна

Дэлхий дээрх Есүсийн өдрүүдэд болон эртний сүмийн үед иудаизм хэд хэдэн өөр бүлэгт хуваагдсан бөгөөд тус бүр нь жинхэнэ иудейчүүдийн амьдралын хэв маягийн талаар өөрийн гэсэн үзэл бодолтой байв. Нөгөөтэйгүүр, еврейчүүдийн зарим үндсэн итгэл үнэмшил нь бүгдэд нь нийтлэг байсан. Тэр үед садукайчууд, фарисайчууд, эссенийхэн, зелотууд байсан. … Цааш унших

Ариун Сүнсний бэлгүүд

Паул Афинд номлож байна

Ариун Сүнсний бэлгүүдийн тухай хүмүүс ихэвчлэн хангалттай анхаарал хандуулдаггүй дөрвөн чухал зүйл: Эдгээр нь Бурханаас өгсөн бэлгүүд юм. Бид тэднийг олох, худалдаж авах, санал өгөх боломжгүй. Бид алийг нь хүлээн авахаа сонгох эрхгүй, нөгөө нь ч хүлээж авах боломжгүй. … Цааш унших
