Scattered in Church, But Unified in the Home


We have an enormous problem around what is called the church. I’m talking about a fundamental aspect of our relationship with God and ministerial responsibility. A problem that Jesus fixed when he first came some 2,000 years ago. But for many years now, we have broken it once more within church organizations. Let’s step back … Baca lebih lanjut

Mencapai Yang Hilang - 5 Faktor Utama Membolehkan Kita Mengikuti Pimpinan Roh Kudus

manusia di awan

Nombor 1 – Apa yang dikatakan oleh Roh Kudus kepada individu paling penting. Bukan apa yang perlu kita katakan. Tuhan berbicara kepada setiap jiwa. “Roh-Ku tidak akan selama-lamanya berkelahi dengan manusia…” ~ Kejadian 6:3 Ini memberitahu kita bahawa sejak awal, dan bahkan hingga hari ini, bahawa Roh Kudus Tuhan adalah setia … Baca lebih lanjut

Pemulihan dari Dosa dan Ketagihan - Langkah 12 - Layanan dan Syukur

Compassion holding hands

12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps helping us, we now try to carry this message to others and to practice these principles in all our affairs. The Lord has been very merciful to us to have revealed his truth to our hearts. He enabled us to not only be … Baca lebih lanjut

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