İncil ve Evlilikten Önce Seks (Gençlik Rallisi Aralık 2021)

We live in times where the world around us is trying to change the standards, and moral commands sent down by God years ago.  Young people, I tell you today that God is Holy and just.  God’s commands do not change.  Look around, and you see that people in this world consistently change their ideas … Devamını oku…

Bir Gençlerin Hayatının Sorunları (Gençlik Rallisi Aralık 2021)

The Issues of Young Persons Life Today, we will address topics that might be a little bit uncomfortable for some of us but still very important to discuss.  We will look at what the Bible says about issues that can confront a young person’s life.  Especially during those critical years transitioning from childhood into adulthood. … Devamını oku…

Miangeni Academy ile Sorular, Konular ve Cevaplar (3. Kısım)

“Obedience to God, parents, and teachers what does the Bible say?” As we read through the Bible, we know we need to obey God.  In fact, the Bible also says it is better to obey God than man.  But we also have a responsibility to obey those that care for us.  We will talk more … Devamını oku…

Miangeni Academy ile Sorular, Konular ve Cevaplar (2. Kısım)

“What does the Bible Say to a young person about sexual temptations?’ The Law of Moses clearly describes God’s design for sexual expression, and the restrictions He placed on sexual expression protect the purity of that design.  God’s boundaries on sexual expression also protect us from physical and emotional harm.  Part of His design on … Devamını oku…

Bugün Bizim İçin İlahi Şifa

Did you know that Jesus desires everyone to be whole from their feet to their mind?  This is why He made the ability to be healed divinely for everyone. He actually cares about how we feel in our bodies, and if we are sick, He wants us to be well. Matthew 4:23-24 “23 And Jesus … Devamını oku…

Peter Mesih'ten Uzaklaşıyor

Bugün sizi İsa'nın öğrencisi Petrus'la tanıştırmak istiyorum ve ardından onun hikayesini Hristiyan yürüyüşümüzde ne yapmamamız gerektiğine dair bir ders olarak kullanmak istiyorum. Görüyorsunuz, Tanrı'ya hizmet ederken, Kurtuluşumuzu dikkatle korumamız gerekiyor çünkü bizden uzaklaşmamızı isteyen bir düşmanımız var… Devamını oku…
