Biết, Phát triển, Đi, Hiển thị - Bài 4

SHOW GOD TO THE WORLD Are you a disciple of Christ?  Jesus calls us to be His disciples.  A disciple is a student, but not as in continually learning.  A disciple is someone that imitates their teacher.  Another way to think of the word disciple is as someone that uses and applies what they’ve learned. … Đọc tiếp

Biết, Phát triển, Đi, Hiển thị - Bài 3

Go, Taking God’s Word to a Lost World Growing strong in God is important and something I love to see young people do.  But equally important for your spiritual walk with Christ is to continue growing in God.  Even as we get older, each of us should be growing.  Many times, around the first of … Đọc tiếp

Biết, Phát triển, Đi, Hiển thị - Bài 1

Know God As human beings, we have a problem that we may not even recognize. This problem exists in every culture, and social circle, with a penalty, always attached. The problem is SIN, and the Bible teaches us people sin from birth, which is a big problem in our world. Romans 3:23 “For all have … Đọc tiếp

The Resurrection: What Difference Does it Make?

Did you know that tomorrow in most places of the world, people of all ethnicities will celebrate Easter?  In fact, Easter is one of the most celebrated events in history.  But it’s more than just a holiday.  Easter is an extraordinary historical fact.  The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the central element to everything that’s … Đọc tiếp

Những điều tốt và xấu của thói quen của chúng ta Phần 3

The Result of Bad Habits  “The best way to prevent addiction is to never begin.” Today let’s start by reviewing the lesson from last week.  First, we learned peer pressure is one of the top contributing factors for young people deciding to use drugs.  Next, we learned how important it is to be careful about … Đọc tiếp

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