我们在战斗(第 2 部分)
上周我们讨论了我们正在与魔鬼进行属灵的斗争。我们还讨论了我们需要奉耶稣的名挺身而出,并靠在我们里面工作的圣灵的力量与敌人作战。我们的敌人是魔鬼,他没有退缩;恶魔 … 阅读更多
我们习惯的好与坏第 3 部分
The Result of Bad Habits “The best way to prevent addiction is to never begin.” Today let’s start by reviewing the lesson from last week. First, we learned peer pressure is one of the top contributing factors for young people deciding to use drugs. Next, we learned how important it is to be careful about … 阅读更多
我们习惯的好与坏第 2 部分
“Show me who your friends are and I will show you your future.” God saved me as a young person, and I thank God from my youth to today; God has given and still gives victory. God wants to give victory to each of His children. In the first part of this lesson, we talked … 阅读更多
The Good and the Bad of Our Habits
“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character, watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” This morning we want to declare that God is still on His throne and bringing victory to His people in … 阅读更多
Tempt means to entice one to commit an unwise or immoral act. Something that tempts or entices causes one to be in a state of temptation. Today we will look at three examples from the Bible that teach us important lessons about temptation and how we can be victorious over the temptations in our own … 阅读更多