The Powerful Gift of Choice

Children, young people, and older young people, tonight I will need you to use your imaginations.  And when I say older young people, I am talking about older young people like me, Brother Benaiah and Brother Ross.  I don’t want to call us old people.  Young people and children, you who give your hearts to … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

যীশুর জন্য এই পৃথিবীতে বসবাস

Thank God, Jesus prayed for us before He died!  He said that His followers are “not of the world.” But he also said, “My prayer, Father, is not that You take them out of the world.” This idea of staying “in the world” but not being “of the world” must be pretty important to Jesus … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

সঠিক এবং জনপ্রিয় মধ্যে একটি পছন্দ তৈরি করা (ইয়ুথ সমাবেশ ডিসেম্বর 2021)

Today, we will talk about a type of pressure many young people fall under today.  Throughout the remainder of this lesson, let’s refer to it as peer pressure.  Peer pressure is a social influence exerted by others on an individual.  This is when pressure is exerted to get someone to act or believe the same … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

বাইবেল এবং বিয়ের আগে যৌনতা (ইয়ুথ র‌্যালি ডিসেম্বর 2021)

We live in times where the world around us is trying to change the standards, and moral commands sent down by God years ago.  Young people, I tell you today that God is Holy and just.  God’s commands do not change.  Look around, and you see that people in this world consistently change their ideas … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

যুবকদের জীবনের সমস্যা (ইয়ুথ র‍্যালি ডিসেম্বর 2021)

The Issues of Young Persons Life Today, we will address topics that might be a little bit uncomfortable for some of us but still very important to discuss.  We will look at what the Bible says about issues that can confront a young person’s life.  Especially during those critical years transitioning from childhood into adulthood. … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

যৌবনে ঈশ্বরকে স্মরণ করা

There is something about being young that’s special.  It doesn’t matter if you’re too tall or a little plump, or maybe you have a few blemishes; there is a natural beauty that comes with simply being young.  Young people and children are beautiful not just because of their youth but also because of the childlike … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন


I Met Jesus at the Crossroads “I met Jesus at the crossroads, Where the two ways meet. Satan too was standing there, and he said come this way. Lots and lots of pleasures I can give to you today. But I said no! There’s Jesus here, Just see what he offers me! Down here my … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

তুমি কি ভাবছ? (অংশ ২)

What if, for one day, Jesus were to become you?  Let us imagine that Jesus woke in your bed and walked in your shoes.  He lived in your house with your family and went to your school.  Your teachers became His teachers.  Your health problems were His to live with.  Your pains became His pains.  … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

আপনার মনোভাব কেমন?

God is looking for faithful young people who have dedicated their lives to Him.  I can say that when I received salvation as a youth, it was the best decision I ever made for my life.  We will always have important decisions to make in life, like where will I go to school?  Or what … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

আপনি কতটা বিশ্বস্ত?

Today we would like to speak about the importance of being faithful.  First, let’s define faithful.  Faithful means to be constant, loyal, or to maintain allegiance.  We could also say faithful means to show a strong sense of duty, reliability, or steadfast adherence. Being faithful to a friend, a job, or a cause are all … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

