A Man After God’s Heart

Saul was the first king of Israel, and when God chose him to be king, he was a humble and righteous man.  But there came a time when Saul didn’t put God first anymore, and unfortunately, sometimes people do this.  They start well in their walk with God, and something happens over time.  They forget … Weiterlesen

Hunger und Durst nach Jesus

Lassen Sie uns heute Morgen unsere Lektion damit beginnen, dass wir über einige der äußeren Empfindungen sprechen, die mit echtem Hunger und echtem Durst einhergehen. Hunger ist ein normales Gefühl, das Lust auf Essen macht. Der Hypothalamus ist der Teil des Gehirns, der den Hunger in unserem Körper steuert. Wenn dein Körper deinem Gehirn sagt, dass dein Magen … Weiterlesen

Fragen, Themen und Antworten mit der Miangeni Academy (Teil 5)

“Is it true that our bodies are wonderfully made?” Today, we live in a world that causes people to look at themselves and hate what they see.  Our internet, media, and advertisement companies with billboard signs always show us what they think people should look like.  The smooth skin, the perfect hair, the skinny model, … Weiterlesen

Fragen, Themen und Antworten mit der Miangeni Academy (Teil 4)

“Does the Bible promise a promising career and success to a child who makes a good choice of Jesus in their lives?” Everyone can be successful in life, but first, you must have a plan to succeed.  And to succeed in God’s eyes, underneath your plan, you must also have an established Chrisitan foundation of … Weiterlesen

Danke und besiege den Teufel!

Give Thanks to Conquer the Devil I give God thanks that Jesus introduced Himself to us one day.  Then we learned of the incredible miracle He can perform in a person’s life.  At first, maybe for some of us, we could not imagine ourselves any different than we were.  But as we continued to understand … Weiterlesen

