Jesús viviendo dentro de nosotros

One day there was a man who took a walk, and along the side of the road, he caught a glimpse of a vessel.  The vessel looked like someone had discarded it as if it were a piece of trash.  Maybe it no longer had any value or use for the previous owner.

Let us pause here for a moment.  Imagine the vessel the man saw as something you are familiar with, like a cup, a pitcher, or maybe a bowl.  Whatever you decide to imagine, it must be something that someone would fill.  I want to imagine a bowl.

The man bent down and carefully plucked the bowl from the earth.  He took it to his home and very gently began to break away the debris.  As he gave the bowl a good rinse, he saw an incredibly beautiful vessel underneath all that dirt.

So, the man set his prized possession on the table to admire, but there was a problem.  The beautiful bowl was not meeting its full potential.  And why is that?  Because the bowl’s purpose is not to remain clean and empty but to be cleaned and filled for use.

If you imagined a cup, why should it be filled?  So, someone can drink from it; this is the same with a pitcher.  If you fill a pitcher with water, someone can quench their thirst.  If you, like me, imagined a bowl, why should it be filled?  So, someone can draw nourishment from the bowl’s contents after filling it with food.

Cuando Dios nos salva, quita todos nuestros pecados y somos como el preciado tazón que está sobre la mesa. Pero al igual que el preciado tazón, no estamos destinados a permanecer limpios y vacíos. Dios quiere vivir dentro de nosotros. Miremos desde el principio para que podamos entender cuán importante es para Dios que tengamos Su Espíritu Santo dentro de nosotros.

Génesis 1: 1-3:

“1 En el principio, Dios creó los cielos y la tierra.

2 Y la tierra estaba desordenada y vacía; y las tinieblas cubrían la faz del abismo. Y el Espíritu de Dios se movió sobre la faz de las aguas ”.

When God created the earth, it was without form and empty.  If we continue to read, we find God sent light and separated the light from the darkness.  But God didn’t stop there, did He?  God filled the world with living beauty, but God didn’t stop there either.  He created man, and man was created in God’s image.  Man was God’s most prized creation.  Placing man in the world was like putting a part of God Himself on the earth.  You could also say it this way, a part of God lived in His beautiful creation.

Génesis 1: 26-27

“26 Y dijo Dios: Hagamos al hombre a nuestra imagen, conforme a nuestra semejanza, y se enseñoreará de los peces del mar, y de las aves del cielo, y de los ganados, y de toda la tierra, y sobre todo reptil que se arrastra sobre la tierra.

27 Y creó Dios al hombre a su imagen, a imagen de Dios lo creó; varón y hembra los creó ”.

It was so important to God that He live with us that He gave us this message from the very beginning.  His desire to make man in His own image to live in His beautiful creation, and what is God’s image?  Holiness.  In the beginning, man and woman were Holy, just like God, and God gave them both power and control over all the things He created in the world.

It was not until the sin in the garden that sin entered the hearts of men and women.  God gave them one command to live by.  Do not eat from the tree that bears the knowledge of good and evil.  But they disobeyed, and man was no longer in God’s image.  Man had lost the dominion and control over all the living things of the world God had given him.  In fact, man lost dominion and control over his own behavior.  From that time, God and man were separated, and it was by the repeated sacrifice of animals and burnt offerings that God forgave men’s sins until God sent us Jesus.  Thank God for Jesus.  Let us look at Mathew 1:21, a very famous but clear verse.

Mateo 1:21

“21 Y dará a luz un hijo, y llamarás su nombre Jesús, porque él salvará a su pueblo de sus pecados.

How was Jesus going to save His people from sin?  Jesus started by teaching and preaching repentance.

Mateo 4:17

"17 Desde entonces Jesús comenzó a predicar y a decir: Arrepentíos, porque el reino de los cielos se ha acercado".

Repentance is sincere regret or remorse for ones wrong doing or sin.  In true Bible repentance, the offender realizes their sin is against God, and they do not repeat the sins repented of but instead turns from their sin toward God.  In turn, God forgives and takes all the sin away.  This act of forgiveness leaves us with a clean and pure heart, just like the prized bowl in our story.  But we are not intended to stay clean and empty; we are designed to be cleaned and filled.  So let us look at what happens if we stay clean and empty.

Lucas 11: 24-26

“24 Cuando el espíritu inmundo sale del hombre, anda por lugares secos, buscando reposo; y al no encontrarlo, dice: Volveré a mi casa de donde salí.

25 Y cuando llega, la halla barrida y adornada.

26 Entonces va y toma otros siete espíritus peores que él; y entran y habitan allí; y el último estado de ese hombre es peor que el primero ".

These are Jesus’ words describing what happens when an evil spirit is cast out of someone.  Can you imagine  God frees someone from a horrible spirit of lying, but then that person fails to completely commit to Jesus’ plans for their life?  The spirit of lying could come back with other spirits much worse.  So, we need Jesus’ Holy Spirit dwelling within us so we can walk consistently in the light of God and continue without sin.  Without the Holy Spirit, we risk backsliding into our old ways.  God wants to live within us.  Let us consider what Ezekiel said on behalf of God.

Ezequiel 36: 26-27

“26 Os daré también un corazón nuevo, y pondré un espíritu nuevo dentro de vosotros; y quitaré de vuestra carne el corazón de piedra, y os daré un corazón de carne.

27 Y pondré mi espíritu dentro de vosotros, y os haré andar en mis estatutos, y guardaréis mis juicios y los cumpliréis.

Notice in verse 26, Ezekiel says, “I will put a new spirit within you.” This is what God does for us after repentance.  We have a new spirit that desires to do right according to God’s plan.   In verse 27, Ezekiel says, “I will put my spirit within you.”   God wants to live within us.  We are meant to have God living within us, or we will become like the prized bowl sitting on the table collecting dust and debris and then rendered useless to God’s purpose or plan.

¿Cuál es el propósito o plan de Dios para nosotros? Ahora veamos el capítulo uno de Hechos. Aquí Jesús estaba hablando a sus seguidores justo antes de su ascenso al cielo.

Hechos 1: 8

“8 Pero recibiréis poder, cuando haya venido sobre vosotros el Espíritu Santo, y me seréis testigos en Jerusalén, en toda Judea, en Samaria y hasta lo último de la tierra”.

God wants us to be a witness.  Being a witness is His purpose and plan for us.  Power to witness is accomplished when God’s Spirit lives within us.  When we can be a witness, we are living our full potential for Christ.  But how does this happen?

Hechos 2:38

“38 Entonces Pedro les dijo: Arrepentíos y bautícese cada uno de vosotros en el nombre de Jesucristo para remisión de los pecados, y recibiréis el don del Espíritu Santo”.

This was Peter after he received the Holy Ghost, preaching boldly to others about how they might receive the Holy Ghost as well.  We cannot receive the Holy Ghost if we have sin in our life.  We must repent first.  Then God makes us worthy of His gift.  In Romans 12:1, the Apostle Paul instructs us how to give ourselves wholly to Christ.

Romanos 12: 1

“1 Por tanto, hermanos, os ruego por las misericordias de Dios, que presentéis vuestros cuerpos en sacrificio vivo, santo, agradable a Dios, que es vuestro servicio razonable”.

To receive the Spirit of God within us, we must prayerfully present ourselves to Jesus, and willfully accept His plans for our lives in place of our own.  Jesus’ purpose for us is to be a witness to the gospel by our testimony to live holy.  Then we can spiritually quench the thirst of others.  We can provide spiritual nourishment to those around us, teaching others that Jesus has the power for us to live a holy life because Jesus lives within us.  The Holy Spirit of God is a comforter full of God’s love and compassion.  The Holy Spirit will not cause you to behave in an inappropriate way or speak in a language unknown to man.  The Holy Spirit will seal your life from sin and help you live victoriously.  The Holy Spirit will give you love and compassion for others.  God’s gift of the Holy Spirit is He Himself living within us, so commit yourself fully to Christ and His plan.  God wants to live within you because you are His beautiful creation.

Actualizado el 6 de julio de 2021, SBT

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