8. 列出我们伤害过的人的名单,并愿意对他们进行补偿。
用这个 worksheet to make a list of: who I hurt, and how I hurt them.
“耶稣到了那地方,举目看见他,就对他说,撒该,你快下来,因为今天我必须住在你家里。他就急忙下来,欢欢喜喜地接待他。众人看见,就都议论说,他去与一个罪人作客了。撒该站起来,对耶和华说:看啊,主啊,我把一半的财物分给穷人;如果我通过诬告从任何人那里得到任何东西,我会四倍地还他。耶稣对他说,今天救恩临到这家,因为他也是亚伯拉罕的子孙。因为人子来,为要寻找拯救失丧的人。” ~ 路加福音 19:5-10
耶稣来到撒该的家里,因为他知道 撒该已经在他的名单上了 of those whom he had hurt. So he knew Zacchaeus was taking personal accountability for how he had hurt others in the past. And that now he was sincerely seeking to be reconciled to them. So Jesus was not just casually talking with Zacchaeus. He was coming to his house to stay with him, as a close friend!
We all need Jesus to be free to come and stay at our spiritual house: our heart. And he will, if we are taking seriously our responsibility to try to be reconciled to all whom we have wronged.
This testimony of restoration was important. Not just for Zacchaeus, but also for those who knew Zacchaeus. Everyone knew the holiness in the life of Jesus Christ. How could Zacchaeus be part of Jesus’ purpose – unless he had already determined, and was showing publicly, that he wanted a change in his heart and behavior.
Yes, it matters to Jesus that we make our wrongs right! Zacchaeus in his heart knew this. True salvation will bring forgiveness, and a complete change in our heart. Salvation reconciles us to God. But yet we still need to do our part to be reconciled to those whom we have harmed.
“所以,如果你把礼物带到祭坛上,在那里想起你的兄弟应该反对你;把你的礼物留在祭坛前,走你的路;先和你的兄弟和好,然后来献上你的礼物。” ~ 马太福音 5:23-24
Don’t ignore your need to be reconciled to others! Otherwise God will again begin to feel distant to you. It matters a lot to God! So we dare not neglect to make an effort to apologize and to correct the wrongs we have done to others.
“但你们要行道,不要单单听道,自欺欺人。因为如果有人听道而不行道,他就像一个人在镜子里看到他自然的脸:因为他看到自己,走他的路,很快就忘记了他是一个什么样的人。但是,谁研究了完美的自由法并继续遵守,他不是一个健忘的听众,而是一个工作的实践者,这个人将在他的行为中得到祝福。” ~ 雅各书 1:22-25
Most of the religious world today still has some kind of “sin addiction.” They claim to have changed through Jesus Christ. But they don’t complete the work of God in their lives. And because they will not seek to be personally reconciled to everyone, they also do not seek to fully reconcile others to Jesus Christ.
“但是你们怎么看?有个人有两个儿子;他来到第一个说,儿子,今天去我的葡萄园工作。他回答说,我不肯。后来他悔改去了。他来到第二个,同样说。他回答说,我去,先生。然后没有去。他们两人是否都遵照了他父亲的意愿?他们对他说,第一个。耶稣对他们说,我实在告诉你们,税吏和娼妓倒比你们先进神的国。因为约翰是按义路到你们这里来,你们不信;税吏和妓女却信了他;你们看见了,事后还不悔改,好叫你们信他。” ~ 马太福音 21:28-32
“那些观察虚妄的虚荣心的人放弃了自己的怜悯。但我要以感谢的声音献祭给你;我会付出我所发誓的。救恩出于耶和华。” ~ 约拿书 2:8-9
“也就是说,上帝在基督里,使世界与他和好,而不是将他们的过犯归咎于他们;并向我们承诺了和解的话语。现在我们是基督的使者,就好像上帝确实借我们恳求你一样:我们代替基督祈求你们与上帝和好。” ~ 2 哥林多前书 5:19-20
“因仁慈和诚实,罪孽被洁净;因敬畏耶和华,人远离恶事。当一个人的行为取悦耶和华时,他甚至使他的敌人与他和好。” ~ 箴言 16:6-7