7. 谦卑地求祂饶恕我们,除去我们的缺点
所以现在我们已经完成了第 6 步,在这里我们列出了我们希望从我们的生活中移除的所有行为的完整列表。在制定此列表时,我们还努力确定将用哪些新行为取代旧行为。
所以这就是我们急需第 7 步的原因。在第 6 步中,我们不仅制定了计划, 我们自己也觉得这个计划是不可能的。 因此,在第 7 步中,它主要使我们谦卑到我们需要去的地方。因为我们需要那种深刻的谦卑感,以便能够通过呼求帮助到达上帝的宝座。和 重要的是我们到达这个卑微的地方,在那里上帝会与我们相会!
“并且要说,你们起来,你们起来,预备道路,拿走我百姓的绊脚石。因为那位居于永恒之中的至高至尊者如此说,他的名字是圣洁的;我住在至高至圣的地方,与心灵痛悔谦卑的人同住,使谦卑人的灵苏醒,痛悔人的心苏醒。” ~ 以赛亚书 57:14-15
Step 6 helped us identify the stumbling blocks that need to be removed to “prepare the way.” And in the scripture above, we now see that God will meet with us in this humble place, and help us. Yes, in this humbling situation where we know we can’t do this on our own: there he will revive us!
“但他给予更多的恩典。所以他说,神阻挡骄傲的人,赐恩给谦卑的人。因此,将自己顺服于上帝。抵挡魔鬼,它就会逃离你。” ~ 雅各书 4:6-7
“我们因他的血蒙救赎,罪得赦免,照他丰富的恩典”~以弗所书 1:7
“But not as the offense, so also is the free gift. For if through the offense of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.” ~ Romans 5:15
He did not die so that we can hold on to certain sins that seem more socially acceptable to mankind. He died to restore first our relationship with the heavenly Father, by removing sin from our lives. Most of mankind is separated from the heavenly Father because of their own sins. So clearly understand, our objective is not to be reconciled to a pool of sinful relationships amongst mankind. The purpose is to remove all addictions completely, including mankind’s addiction to sin! Personal integrity with God will enable us to have true integrity in all our relationships with the rest of mankind.
Because of the general watered down integrity of nominal modern-day Christianity, most people think that a relationship with God as a half-hearted, self-seeking purpose. Anything called Christian that lives with pure integrity and faithfulness, is often considered fanatical. But consider this: because of the half-hearted integrity of others, our list in Step 4 includes many painful memories of what half-hearted people have done to us. And additionally, through our addiction, we have been half-hearted. And through our half-heartedness we have also hurt others.
“因为我知道我对你的想法,主说,和平的想法,而不是邪恶的想法,给你一个预期的结局。那时你们要呼求我,你们要去向我祈祷,我会听你们的。当你们一心寻求我时,你们就会寻求我,就寻见我。” ~ 耶利米书 29:11-13
Back in Step 4, we created a very sensitive list. This list no doubt included painful things that others had done to us. But a critical part of our ability to be healed of the behaviors that have developed in our lives, is that we must be willing to forgive from the heart those that have harmed and betrayed us. If we are not willing to forgive, we will not be able to receive complete healing.
你还记得我们在第 6 步中回顾的这段经文吗?
“Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” ~ Ephesians 4:31-32
“彼得来见他,说,主啊,我兄弟得罪我几次,我饶恕他?直到七次?耶稣对他说,我不是告诉你,直到七次;而是,直到七十次七次。” ~ 马太福音 18:21-22
“主人叫他来以后,对他说,你这恶仆,我免了你所有的债,因为你爱我;你不应该也怜悯你的同伴,像我怜悯你?他的主人大怒,把他交给施刑者,等他还清了欠他的一切。我的天父也要这样待你们,你们若从心里不饶恕弟兄的过犯。” ~ 马太福音 18:32-35
So it is clear that if we are not willing to forgive what others have done to us, that we will continue to be tormented in our own mind and heart. Just as the scripture states above: “…and delivered him to the tormentors…”
In my past, my life was mostly “all about me.” Consequently, most of my relationships have been impacted in some way as I sought what I wanted, and I placed defending myself as more important than what others needed.
I Am Ready!
I know I will need help, therefore I am ready to ask forgiveness and to seek God for all the help I need. And I’m ready to seek that help from others also; and I’m willing to go through whatever things he would have me go through to get the help I need. You see, I have fully purposed this in my heart, and I am ready and willing for a complete change!
The old person I have been, needs to die. I need to become a new creature in Christ Jesus through his forgiveness and deliverance!
“因此,若有人在基督里,他就是新造的人:旧事已过;看哪,一切都变成新的了。” ~ 2 哥林多前书 5:17
“税吏远远地站着,连举目望天也不敢,只捶着胸说,上帝开恩可怜我这个罪人。我告诉你们,这人回家去比那人倒是有道理的。因为凡自高的,必降为卑;谦卑自己的,必升为高。” ~ 路加福音 18:13-14