
The Webster’s Dictionary defines Salvation as saving a person from sin or its consequences.

Warumi 5: 8-10

“8 Lakini Mungu adhihirisha upendo wake kwetu, kwa kuwa, tulipokuwa tungali wenye dhambi, Kristo alikufa kwa ajili yetu.

9 Zaidi sana, kwa kuwa sasa tumehesabiwa haki kwa damu yake, tutaokolewa na ghadhabu kupitia yeye.

10 Kwa maana ikiwa, tulipokuwa adui, tulipatanishwa na Mungu kwa kifo cha Mwanawe, zaidi sana, tukipatanishwa, tutaokolewa kwa maisha yake. ”

Suppose you committed a crime, and a judge sentenced you to a hefty fine or a year in prison.  If I paid the fine for you, you wouldn’t have to go to jail unless you rejected my payment.  Jesus paid the death penalty for our sins by his death on the cross.  Accepting this payment for your sins reconciles you to God.  Being reconciled means the separation is over.  You are now a friend of God.  Is that what you want?  So, the question I ask you is, who wants to be close to God?

Hebu tuangalie ahadi hii kuu ya Wokovu Mungu aliotupa.

Mathayo 1:21

"21 Naye atazaa mtoto wa kiume, nawe utamwita jina lake Yesu, kwani ndiye atakayewaokoa watu wake na dhambi zao."

Mungu alimtuma malaika wake kwa Mariamu kumwambia angekuwa na Mwana na atawaokoa watu wake kutoka kwa dhambi zao. Uzuri wa ahadi hii ni kwamba ni ya kila mtu.”

Yohana 3:16

"16 Kwa maana jinsi hii Mungu aliupenda ulimwengu, hata akamtoa Mwanawe wa pekee, ili kila mtu amwaminiye asipotee, bali awe na uzima wa milele."

The beauty of John 3:16 is that “whosoever” is everyone.  Notice Jesus does not say if you are twelve years old, you cannot receive Salvation.  Instead, Jesus says “whosoever” comes to Him.  Whosoever means Salvation is for everyone, young and old alike.  There is no age limit.  So, the good news of the gospel here is that Jesus came to save young people too.  He did not just come to save people out of college or older.  Jesus came to save “whosoever,” which means anyone who comes to Jesus can have Salvation.  One might ask, “Why do we need salvation?” and the answer is so we can have remission of our sins and make heaven our home.  Each of us is guilty of committing a crime, although one might also ask, “What crime is that?  or say, “I’ve never committed a crime?”.  However, our crime is that we all have sinned against God.  No one can say, “I have never sinned.”  I know this first by my experience as a young person.  Before I gave my heart to God, I did not have power over sin, but second and most important, the Bible teaches us that all have sinned, which means we all need Salvation.  Another way to say it is that we all need to be reconciled with God at some time in our lives, but preferably when we are young.

Warumi 5:12

“12 Kwa hivyo, kama vile mtu mmoja dhambi iliingia ulimwenguni, na mauti kwa dhambi; na kwa hivyo, mauti ikapita juu ya watu wote, kwa sababu wote wamefanya dhambi: ”

Biblia inatufundisha sisi sote tumetenda dhambi, lakini Mathayo 1:21 inatuonyesha kwa uzuri sana kwamba Yesu alikuja kutuokoa kutoka kwa dhambi zetu. Ukweli ni kwamba dhambi hututenganisha na Mungu.

1Yohana 1: 8-9

"8 Ikiwa tunasema kwamba hatuna dhambi, tunajidanganya wenyewe, na ukweli haumo ndani yetu."

9 Tukikiri dhambi zetu, yeye ni mwaminifu na wa haki hata atusamehe dhambi zetu, na kutusafisha na udhalimu wote.

God wants to cleanse all of us from our sin.  God’s forgiveness and His plan of Salvation are offered to everyone today.  Praise God; His Salvation is ready and available to all young people today as well.  One might ask, “What is sin?  and “How do I know if I am sinning?” Let us look at the following scriptures to help us understand what sin is.

Yakobo 4:17

"17 Kwa hiyo kwake yeye ajuaye kutenda mema, na asiyatende, kwake ni dhambi."

God is calling all of us to do good and keep His commandments.  So if we know, we should not lie and do it anyway; this is sin.  If we learn we should not cheat and do it anyway, this is also sin.  And we also sin if we know we shouldn’t disobey our parents, but we disobey anyway.  In any case, if we do something we know we should not do, we are sinning.  The Bible is clear about what sin is and gives many examples for us to follow.  In the old testament, God gave Moses the ten commandments, and we can find explicit instruction from God.  For example:

  • Usiwe na miungu mingine ila wewe.
  • Usifanye sanamu yoyote ya kuchonga ambayo si ya Mungu
  • Usilitaje jina la Bwana bure.  Kulitaja bure jina la Mungu is cursing, and we shouldn’t do it.

Amri nyingine ambayo Mungu hutoa kwa vijana ni kuheshimu baba yako na mama yako ili siku zako ziwe ndefu katika nchi.

Mungu alitoa Wokovu huu mkuu kwa kila mtu, na ili kuufanya kuwa wa haki, Mungu aliweka wazi ufafanuzi wa dhambi kwa wote. Fikiria maandiko yafuatayo.

Wagalatia 5: 19-21

“19 Sasa kazi za mwili zinaonekana, ambazo ni hizi, Uzinzi, uasherati, uchafu, ufisadi,

20 ibada ya sanamu, uchawi, chuki, ugomvi, wivu, ghadhabu, ugomvi, fitna, uzushi,

21 Wivu, mauaji, ulevi, tafrija, na mambo kama haya: ambayo ninawaambieni hapo awali, kama vile nilivyowaambia zamani, kwamba wale wanaofanya mambo kama hayo hawataurithi ufalme wa Mungu.

Biblia ni ya haki sana kwetu. Yesu alitupa orodha ya mambo ambayo hatupaswi kufanya. Kwa hiyo, tukiendelea katika njia ya dhambi, Wagalatia inatufundisha kwamba hatutakuwa na sehemu ya ufalme wa Mungu. Uzuri ni Kristo alikuja kutupa nguvu juu ya dhambi. Tunapoitoa mioyo yetu kwa Mungu na kupokea Wokovu, Yesu anatukomboa kutoka kwa dhambi na matokeo yake. Hatutenganishwi tena na Mungu bali tunakuwa watoto wake. Ninawahimiza ninyi leo kama vile Paulo alivyofanya miaka mingi iliyopita. Hatuhitaji kuendelea katika dhambi.

Waebrania 3:13

“13 Lakini tuhimizana kila siku, wakati inaitwa Leo; asije mmoja wenu akawa mgumu kwa udanganyifu wa dhambi. ”

Paul urged the Hebrews to stay away from sin and praise God through the power of His Son and the blood He shed on the cross we can live each day free from sin.  Living without sin means we do not have to lie, cheat, or do any unclean thing.  The beautiful part of Salvation means that we can live holy in this life.  So, who can receive Salvation from sin?

Warumi 10:13

"13 Kwa maana kila mtu atakayeliitia jina la Bwana ataokolewa."

Tunaona neno hili tena, "yeyote." Nilipompa Mungu moyo wangu nikiwa kijana, nilisisimka sana kujifunza kwamba Biblia iliposema, “yeyote,” Mungu alimaanisha mimi! Nilipotoa moyo wangu kwa Mungu katika umri mdogo, aliweza kuniokoa kutoka kwa dhambi! Leo ninapotangaza Wokovu huu mkuu Kristo anataka kumpa kila mtu, nina swali la kukuuliza. Je, umemkubali Mungu moyoni mwako?

Yoshua 24:15

“15 Na ikiwa ni mbaya kwenu kumtumikia Bwana, chagua leo mtu utakayemtumikia; ikiwa ni miungu ambayo baba zenu walikuwa wakiitumikia iliyokuwa ngambo ya mto, au miungu ya Waamori, ambao mnakaa katika nchi yao; lakini mimi na nyumba yangu tutamtumikia Bwana. "

So, I challenge you today, have you chosen to serve God, and do you have Salvation?  Choose you this day whom you will serve.  The Bible teaches us how to get Salvation from God in the following verse.

Warumi 10: 9

"9 Kwamba ukikiri kwa kinywa chako kuwa Yesu ni Bwana, na kuamini moyoni mwako ya kuwa Mungu alimfufua kutoka kwa wafu, utaokoka."

Christ came so that we could be saved and become children of God.  But this requires us to confess and admit that we have sinned and then believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Once we have done this, we can receive Salvation.  This Salvation is for “whosoever.”  Whether you are young or old, God can give you this Salvation.  God wants to give you this Salvation so you can be free from your sins.  God does not make it hard for us to receive His Salvation.  I want to encourage you, young and old, that God invites you to give your heart to Him.

