Vragen, onderwerpen en antwoorden met Miangeni Academy (deel 4)

“Does the Bible promise a promising career and success to a child who makes a good choice of Jesus in their lives?” Everyone can be successful in life, but first, you must have a plan to succeed.  And to succeed in God’s eyes, underneath your plan, you must also have an established Chrisitan foundation of … Meer lezen

Dank en overwin de duivel!

Give Thanks to Conquer the Devil I give God thanks that Jesus introduced Himself to us one day.  Then we learned of the incredible miracle He can perform in a person’s life.  At first, maybe for some of us, we could not imagine ourselves any different than we were.  But as we continued to understand … Meer lezen

Een keuze maken tussen goed en populair (Youth Rally december 2021)

Vandaag zullen we het hebben over een soort druk waar veel jonge mensen tegenwoordig onder vallen. Laten we in de rest van deze les ernaar verwijzen als groepsdruk. Groepsdruk is een sociale invloed die door anderen op een persoon wordt uitgeoefend. Dit is wanneer er druk wordt uitgeoefend om iemand ertoe te brengen hetzelfde te doen of te geloven... Meer lezen

Kent u uw vijand?

Did you know that we have an enemy?  This enemy is called the devil and he endeavors to fight us in our Christian life every day.  Let me be clear this enemy is not a cartoon that carries a pitchfork wearing red leotards.  The devil is a spirit that is fighting and waring against Christians … Meer lezen

Vragen, onderwerpen en antwoorden met Miangeni Academy (deel 3)

“Obedience to God, parents, and teachers what does the Bible say?” As we read through the Bible, we know we need to obey God.  In fact, the Bible also says it is better to obey God than man.  But we also have a responsibility to obey those that care for us.  We will talk more … Meer lezen
