Privacy Policy

Who we are

The website address is: This same website is used to publish the same articles that are utilized by the corresponding “Study True Bible Doctrines” Android app. The publisher is Richard Lehman who is a Gospel author, evangelist, and missionary. There are also other Gospel authors of the articles on this website. You may contact me (Richard Lehman) with questions at the website’s “Contact Us” page.

Embedded content from other websites

No externally hosted content (videos, images, articles) is embedded within this website.

Who your data is shared with

This website will not collect any personal data from you, nor to share it with others. If you contact me via the “Contact Us” page, I will respond to the email address and the name you provide. I will not use that contact information for any other purpose unless you specifically tell me to.


No personal identifying information is sent to Google Analytics, nor is any “re-marketing” tracking information sent to Google Analytics via this website. The information sent to Google Analytics is for the purposes of understanding traffic patterns, the content that is most visited, the languages the content is read in and what countries, and other technical metrics such as how many: types of devices (if they are mobile, tablet, or desktop computer), which browser brands (IE, Chrome, Safari, Firefox) etc.

Mobile App Plugin

The following capabilities are necessary for the WordPress Mobile App plugin that the “Study True Bible Doctrines” Android app leverages and runs on (see the WordPress Mobile App plugin information at ). But realize that the camera and location permission will never be used by the “Study True Bible Doctrines” Android app. Push notifications within the app would only be used for notifications about a new article being made available for reading. Of course you can specifically turn off these extra “WordPress Mobile App” plugin permissions for yourself, and the app will continue to function just fine. (For more information on setting app permissions in your Android phone visit: ) + Push notifications The app can receive notifications and use an unique and anonymous identifier (UID) provided by Google (FCM) to receive the notification. + Permissions The app can use the CAMERA permission to scan QRCode (no data sent over the network). The app can use the LOCATION permission to work with the maps.

Data Deletion Request

If you have a request to remove any user data collected (noted already above) you can submit that request via the following form
