How is Your Heart?

Each of us has a heart beating within us.  And the physical heart we have is essential for us to sustain life.  It circulates and pumps blood throughout the body.  So, without our physical heart, we cannot live. There are other parts of our body we can not live without, such as our head.  But … Read more

For Saved Young People (Baptism)

The Meaning  While water baptism is practiced among Christian groups in various modes and for different reasons, the word of God is clear on this subject. The meaning of baptism is to immerse.  When I immerse something into the water, it means I put the entire object under the surface.  God chose water as a … Read more

Salvation, What Does it Mean?

The term salvation comes up often in our conversations when we gather with our brothers and sisters in Christ and share testimonies with each other, but what does it mean?  Let’s see what we can learn about this word. What is Salvation? Salvation is a gift from Jesus.  We can receive this gift when we … Read more

Repentance and Young People

Thank God He has made a way for us to experience His presence.  The best decision one can make is to abandon his life entirely over to God.  But where does it all begin, and how do we do that?  It starts with repentance.  For this lesson, we will study the act of repentance and … Read more

The Narrow Way

If you were to go on a trip from Nairobi to Makindu or Makindu to Mombasa., how would you find the way if you have not been there before?  Maybe you would ask a friend for directions?  You could use a paper map to find a way, or you could find the way using a … Read more

Be Ready

Preparing for a celebration for our young graduates this week reminded me of something important that we also need to be prepared for.  Remember the lesson on heaven?  A place I love to talk about.  In the same lesson we also talked about hell, a place I don’t enjoy talking about at all, but hell … Read more

Where Will You Spend Your Forever?

We are thankful that we serve a mighty God that hears and answers our prayers, and cares for our every need. It is exciting to serve God! Being a Christian is the best life. Today I will talk about two very different topics, one more exciting than the other. But first I would like to … Read more

The Resurrection: What Difference Does it Make?

Did you know that tomorrow in most places of the world, people of all ethnicities will celebrate Easter?  In fact, Easter is one of the most celebrated events in history.  But it’s more than just a holiday.  Easter is an extraordinary historical fact.  The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the central element to everything that’s … Read more
