Reaching the Lost – 5 Key Factors Enabling Us to Follow the Holy Ghost’s Lead

man in the clouds

Number 1 – What the Holy Ghost has said to the individual matters most. Not what we have to say. God speaks to every soul. “My spirit shall not always strive with man…” ~ Genesis 6:3 This lets us know that from the very beginning, and even until today, that God’s Holy Spirit is faithful … Read more

The Kingdom of God

Jesus king of kings

This is not an easy topic to understand for most. And part of the reason is because much of mankind has been trying for many years to come up with an answer to all the anti-Christian forces in the world. In doing so, they have hoped for an answer based upon a literal interpretation of … Read more

Personal Testimony of Deliverance from Sin and Addictions

During a series of messages on the Christian based 12-step program, Joe Molina often provided his testimony of how he overcame addiction. And as he did, his testimony resonated in a very personal way with others that were listening. This is actually a very important part of reaching others who are struggling with any addiction. … Read more

Recovery from Sin and Addiction – Step 12 – Service and Gratitude

Compassion holding hands

12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps helping us, we now try to carry this message to others and to practice these principles in all our affairs. The Lord has been very merciful to us to have revealed his truth to our hearts. He enabled us to not only be … Read more

Recovery from Sin and Addiction – Step 11 – Knowledge and Consecration

Bible with heart

11. Continued to seek through prayer and consecration to improve our conscious connection with God, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out. As we learned through all the previous steps of this process, our healing comes through healing our relationships. And so it should not surprise … Read more
